There are no short cuts in fitness, fitness is a life long journey. At different points in your journey, your body is ever-evolving, and there is no as such destination attached to it. Well, there might be immediate goals, like losing 5 Kgs of weight, or gaining muscle but again, it requires efforts to maintain it. There can never be a point, where you can just say, okay, I am done.
Consistency, and only consistency is the key. Although, it doesn't imply that you have to go crazy and overdo it, it will only lead to exhaustion.
I for once, definitely believed when I started out, the more I exercise, quicker would be my weight loss. How naïve!
Over the years, I have learnt a lot, through mistakes, hitting roadblocks and fighting frustration. I wish, someone was there to guide me through and bust the myths related to fitness, I long held onto.
Here are the things that I have learnt so far:
It is an evolving and a long process, after all, all good things take time.
Be patient.
Be consistent.
And do not be harsh on yourself.
Appreciate your body for being a wonder house and capable of doing miracles.
Love yourself, hard!
2. There are a lot of diets available over the internet, in the market, the ones you hear from your
relatives, friends, and family, that aim at attaching guilt and shame to certain classes of food.
There is a lot of focus on cutting certain food from your diet, gluten, sugar, salt, and what not.
Excluding the case of food sensitivity, for the rest of us, cutting out whole sections of food, just because your friends do it, is definitely not the best thing.
While you should definitely limit your intake of processed foods, eating healthy isn't rocket science.
Include nutrient-dense foods in your diet, and as I say, get fit, while enjoying your favorite meals.
3. Don't stick to the same diet or workout plan.
Our body is very smart and gets adapted to a similar routine. Create a mix and find out what works out best for you.
A mix of cardio, yoga, and strength training, can ensure you stay motivated and have fun, while undergoing a transformation.
4. Do not overlook rest days.
Your body needs recovery time, skipping it can lead to injuries, and fatigue.
Give your muscles a time to recover.
Your fitness journey requires commitment and ongoing motivation. Join our tribe on Instagram, I am waiting to cheer you and work with you on your transformation.
